X bases have the unique concave shape in order to funnel the zombies into the entrances. These entrance help funnel zombies into one large pile into one group, where the towers such as Cannon and Bomb towers will be able to finish them off, and Mage towers provide knockback in order for the zombies into one pile. There are 4 entrances in the base, each located on one corner of the base.

These bases have that X for a special reason. X-Bases have entrances connected together looking like the letter X, hence the name. X-Bases were first created by the youtuber, Bryan Smith, and there have been many designs and changes over the years. Corner bases without entrances generally make the zombies try to spill over the sides of the base, where they are usually faced with a lot of KB towers and bomb towers to finish them off. From there, you would use bombs + carl to kill the zombies more easily. Corner bases with entrances are generally used for high score for they have a funnel leading towards the stash, which the zombies try to funnel into but instead form massive clumps. Corner bases with entrances/a funnel (known as a corner score base) and corner bases without entrances. There are also two main types of corner bases that are used. Make sure you protect the gold stash with Resource Harvesters, as raiders and bosses can easily destroy the exposed Gold Stash. These bases don't have to be built in corners of the map, and can be built anywhere on the map. Thanks to zombies path-finding, Corner bases can defend large amounts of zombies with minimal towers. Corner bases only have two sides with defenses, causing the zombies to spawn in those areas. This base uses a unique logic, where zombies only spawn with the sides that have defenses. There are many base types that work the best in Zombs.io, and some of the best are Corner base, X-Base (Wave bases), Side (Score) base, Environmental base (Env bases) and Butterfly bases, which this article will go into.įirst of all, what are corner bases? The meaning is right in the name, its a base that is usually built in the corner of the map. The third factor is zombie interference, in which zombies clump into large piles and prevent each other from moving. The second factor is knock-back, known is KB of short, in which towers like Arrows and Mages knock-back the zombies, preventing them form the reaching the base and giving the defenses more time to kill them. One factor is funnel, in which a zombie's behavior is manipulated to make it move into a certain direction.

Each base and different, but they all have three things in common that make them the best. There are many types of bases in Zombs.io, and they all have their unique features and pros and cons.